G-Cloud 11 Call-Off Contract

The G-Cloud 11 Call-Off Contract: What You Need to Know

If you`re in the business of providing cloud-based services to the UK public sector, you`re no doubt familiar with the G-Cloud framework. This procurement tool, run by the Crown Commercial Service, allows public sector organizations to purchase cloud-based services from pre-approved suppliers through a simple online marketplace. And as of May 2019, the framework has been extended with the launch of the G-Cloud 11 call-off contract.

What is the G-Cloud 11 Call-Off Contract?

Put simply, the G-Cloud 11 call-off contract is a legally binding agreement between a public sector organization and a supplier on the G-Cloud 11 framework. It sets out the terms and conditions for the delivery of a specific cloud-based service and enables the organization to procure that service without having to go through a full procurement process.

The call-off contract is designed to make it easier and faster for public sector organizations to purchase cloud-based services through the G-Cloud framework. By streamlining the procurement process, it allows organizations to quickly and easily access the services they need, while ensuring that suppliers on the framework are held to the same high standards and terms and conditions.

What are the Benefits of the G-Cloud 11 Call-Off Contract?

For public sector organizations, the call-off contract offers a number of benefits. Firstly, it saves time and resources by allowing organizations to quickly and easily procure cloud-based services without having to go through a full procurement process. This is particularly useful for smaller organizations with limited procurement expertise or resources.

Secondly, the call-off contract provides a level of assurance that the supplier has been vetted and approved by the Crown Commercial Service, and is therefore compliant with the government`s security and data protection standards. This reduces the risk for organizations when procuring cloud-based services.

Finally, the call-off contract enables organizations to work with suppliers on the G-Cloud framework on a more long-term basis, as it establishes a legally binding agreement for the delivery of specific services. This can help to foster a more collaborative relationship between organizations and suppliers, leading to better outcomes and improved value for money.

How Does the G-Cloud 11 Call-Off Contract Work?

The call-off contract is initiated by a public sector organization when it identifies a cloud-based service it wishes to procure from a supplier on the G-Cloud 11 framework. The organization then enters into negotiations with the supplier to agree on the terms and conditions for the delivery of that service.

Once the terms and conditions have been agreed, the call-off contract is executed, establishing a legally binding agreement between the organization and the supplier for the delivery of the specified service. The contract sets out the scope of the service to be delivered, the price to be paid, and any other terms and conditions agreed between the parties.

The call-off contract can be used for both short-term and long-term contracts, depending on the needs of the organization. It can also be used for both single-supplier and multi-supplier contracts, enabling organizations to work with multiple suppliers on the framework if required.

In conclusion, the G-Cloud 11 call-off contract is a valuable tool for public sector organizations wishing to procure cloud-based services from suppliers on the G-Cloud framework. By streamlining the procurement process, providing assurance around supplier compliance, and enabling more long-term relationships between organizations and suppliers, the call-off contract helps to deliver better outcomes and value for money.

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