Monthly Archives: January 2022

What Day Was the Good Friday Agreement Signed

The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast Agreement, was a significant political agreement signed on April 10, 1998. The agreement brought an end to the three decades of conflict in Northern Ireland, known as the Troubles. The agreement was reached after extensive negotiations between the British and Irish governments, representatives of political […]

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California Standard Broker Fee Agreement

The California Standard Broker Fee Agreement is an important document for anyone in the real estate industry, whether you are a broker, agent, or potential client. This agreement outlines the terms of the fee that the broker will charge for their services in facilitating a real estate transaction. The California Department of Real Estate […]

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Consequences of Breach of Contract in India

Breaching a contract can have serious consequences in India, both for individuals and businesses. Contracts are legally binding agreements that are formed when one party offers terms to another party, and the other party accepts those terms. When a contract is breached, it means that one party has failed to fulfill their obligations under […]

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