Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement

Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement is a legal document that governs the relationship between healthcare providers and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) in delivering healthcare services for Medicaid beneficiaries. It outlines the requirements and responsibilities of the provider for billing, documentation, and compliance with Medicaid regulations.

Who Needs to Enroll in the Oregon Medicaid Program?

Any healthcare provider who wishes to participate in the Oregon Medicaid program and receive reimbursement for services rendered to eligible beneficiaries must enroll with the OHA. This includes physicians, hospitals, clinics, dentists, and other healthcare providers. The Oregon Medicaid program provides healthcare coverage to over one million Oregonians, including low-income families, pregnant women, and individuals with disabilities.

What Does the Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement Include?

The Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of participation in the Medicaid program. It includes the following:

1. Provider Requirements: The provider must meet all of the state and federal regulations pertaining to Medicaid participation, such as maintaining appropriate licensure and credentialing.

2. Payment Structure: The provider agrees to accept the reimbursement rates established by Medicaid for services rendered to beneficiaries as payment in full, and not bill beneficiaries for the difference between the Medicaid payment and their billed charges.

3. Billing, Claims and Documentation: The provider agrees to submit accurate and complete claims for Medicaid reimbursement, using proper billing codes and following Medicaid guidelines for documentation.

4. Compliance with Regulations: The provider must comply with all Medicaid program regulations and requirements, including those related to fraud, waste, and abuse prevention, and must cooperate with any audits or investigations conducted by the OHA or other authorized entities.

5. Termination: The agreement outlines the circumstances under which the OHA may terminate the provider`s participation in the Medicaid program, such as failure to meet program requirements or engaging in fraudulent activities.

Why is the Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement Important?

The Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement is an essential part of the Medicaid program, as it ensures that healthcare providers who participate in the program meet certain standards of quality, compliance, and accountability. By signing the agreement, providers agree to provide quality care to Medicaid beneficiaries, to follow Medicaid guidelines and requirements, and to accept Medicaid reimbursement rates. This helps to ensure that Medicaid beneficiaries are able to access the care they need, while also protecting the integrity and sustainability of the Medicaid program.


The Oregon Medicaid Provider Enrollment Agreement is an important legal document that establishes the relationship between healthcare providers and the Oregon Health Authority in delivering healthcare services to Medicaid beneficiaries. By outlining the requirements and responsibilities of the provider for billing, documentation, and compliance with Medicaid regulations, the agreement helps to ensure that providers meet certain standards of quality, compliance, and accountability. Healthcare providers who participate in the Oregon Medicaid program should carefully review and comply with the provisions of the agreement to ensure that they are providing quality care to Medicaid beneficiaries and maintaining their participation in the program.

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