Joint Ownership of Property Agreement Sample

Joint ownership of property is a popular arrangement that many people opt for when buying property with another person. This arrangement allows two or more people to jointly own a property, usually for various reasons such as sharing the costs, tax benefits, or estate planning. However, it is crucial to have a joint ownership of property agreement in place to avoid any future disputes or legal issues.

A joint ownership of property agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions detailing how the property will be owned, managed and sold. It is crucial to have a well-drafted agreement that captures all the necessary details to prevent any future disagreements between the co-owners. Here is a sample joint ownership of property agreement:

Agreement made on [date] between [owner one] and [owner two] to jointly own and manage property located at [address].


The property will be owned by [owner one] and [owner two] in equal shares.


Both owners will have an equal say in the management and decision-making process concerning the property. In case of any disagreement, a majority decision will rule.


All expenses such as property taxes, mortgage payments, insurance, and repair costs will be shared equally by both owners.

Sale of the property

In the event that either owner wants to sell their share of the property, they must first offer it to the other owner. The selling price will be determined by a professional valuation.

Death of an owner

In case of the death of an owner, their share of the property will pass on to their heirs.

Dispute resolution

Any disputes that may arise between the owners will be resolved through mediation or arbitration before resorting to court.

This joint ownership of property agreement is a sample and may vary depending on the specific needs and circumstances of the co-owners. It is advisable to engage the services of a legal expert to draft the agreement and ensure that all the necessary clauses are included.

In conclusion, a joint ownership of property agreement is essential for any co-owners of property. It outlines the terms and conditions of ownership, management, expenses, and the sale of the property. By having a well-drafted agreement in place, co-owners can prevent legal disputes in the future and ensure that their interests are protected.

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