Rules in Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing and communicating effectively. An error in subject-verb agreement can have a negative impact on how your message is perceived by your audience. In this article, we will discuss some basic rules to follow when it comes to subject-verb agreement.

1. A singular subject needs a singular verb, and a plural subject needs a plural verb.

For example:

– The cat loves to sleep. (singular subject – cat, singular verb – loves)

– The dogs love to play. (plural subject – dogs, plural verb – love)

2. When a subject consists of both a singular and a plural noun, the verb should agree with the noun that is closest to it.

For example:

– The cake and the cookies are delicious. (plural noun – cookies, plural verb – are)

3. Singular indefinite pronouns, such as anyone, everyone, and somebody, require singular verbs.

For example:

– Anyone can join the party. (singular pronoun – anyone, singular verb – can join)

4. Plural indefinite pronouns, such as both, few, and several, require plural verbs.

For example:

– Both of them are coming to the party. (plural pronoun – both, plural verb – are coming)

5. Collective nouns, such as team, group, and family, can be used with either singular or plural verbs depending on the context.

For example:

– The team is practicing before the game. (singular verb – is practicing)

– The team are arguing about the strategy. (plural verb – are arguing)

6. When subjects are connected by the conjunctions “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the closest subject.

For example:

– Neither the car nor the bike is mine. (singular verb – is mine)

7. When subjects are connected by the conjunction “and,” the verb should be plural.

For example:

– Tom and Jerry are best friends. (plural verb – are)

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing that should not be overlooked. By following these basic rules, you can communicate your message clearly and effectively. Always proofread your work to ensure that your subject and verb agree in number and that your message is presented in the best possible way.

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